


Ceap, specialized in the production of full-port knife gate valves for over 40 years, has choosen Cy-laser for its complex production

Me.Bu. Srl

Me.Bu. Srl

For laser cutting, Marco and Massimiliano Butera, at the head of the company Me.Bu. Srl, were among the first in the world to choose Cy-Laser in 2010 and to focus on fiber laser technology for sheet metal cutting.

Proto D Engineering

Proto D Engineering

A new fiber laser cutting system installed in Pune for Proto-D Engineering. The very large system is one of the many Cy-Laser laser systems that have the Indian company, which has chosen the airplane structure to combine the large format capability with very low operation cost.



With three Cy-laser fiber laser cutting system, Eurosteel produces parts for large hotel and naval catering sector.

Borelli Group

Borelli Group

Borelli Group, specialized in solutions for the rinsing, filling and closure for glass and plastic bottles, relies on Cy-laser cutting systems.

Chicago metal fabricators

Chicago metal fabricators

At Chicago Metal Fabricators the 200,000 sq. ft. production facility contains a Cy-laser system, one of the largest lasers in the entire Midwest.